N172: Regenerative Neurobiology is taught Winter Quarter by Professors Mathew Blurton-Jones and Sunil P. Gandhi.

Dr. Mathew Blurton-Jones

Dr. Sunil P. Gandhi
Prerequisite: BIO SCI N110
Overlaps with BIO SCI 44, BIO SCI D133.
Course Objective:
This course will introduce students to the latest research on regenerative neurobiology. Both basic stem cell discoveries and their potential clinical application to brain disorders will be examined. The goal is to discuss the opportunities and pitfalls in the potential application of neural stem cells to brain repair. Lectures and in-depth discussions will build upon students’ strong understanding of neuroscience principles gained in previous course work.
Sample Syllabus:
# | Topic |
1 | Course Overview |
2 | Quick Brain Tour |
3 | Critical Periods of Brain Development |
4 | Rewiring the Adult Brain |
5 | Neurogenesis in the Adult Brain |
6 | Stress and Neurogenesis |
7 | Exercise and Neurogenesis |
8 | Cell Suicide |
9 | Autism |
10 | Retinal Repair |
11 | Midterm Review |
12 | Brain Cell Replacement Strategies |
13 | Guest Lecture |
14 | Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells |
15 | Alzheimer’s Disease |
16 | Differentiation of Brain Cells |
17 | Cellular Optical Brain Interfaces |
18 | Stem Cells as Therapeutic Agents |
19 | Parkinson’s Disease |
20 | ALS and SMA |
21 | Immune Rejection |
22 | Rare Pediatric Disorders |
23 | Delivery Technology |
24 | Successes/Caveats for Clinical Translation |
25 | Ethics and Regulation of Stem Cell Research |
26 | Open Discussion |
27 | Final Review |