NEURBIO 237: Neurobiology of Brain Aging is taught every other year in Winter Quarter by Professor Carl Cotman.


Dr. Carl Cotman

Prerequisite: NEURBIO 209

Course Objective:

Outlines some of the significant changes that occur in the aging brain, with a special emphasis on risk factors and protective strategies that promote successful brain aging. Topics include changes in synaptic plasticity, neurotrophic factors, and molecular mechanisms in aging.

Sample Syllabus:

# Topic

Introduction of Course and Goals.

Survey of Student’s Goals


What are the Basic Facts on Brain aging and Alzheimer’s Disease

2018 Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures


What are the Basic Facts on Brain aging and Alzheimer’s Disease

2018 Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures

4 NIH and its Key Role in Sustaining the U.S. Economy/2018 Update
5 What are the Neuropathological Alteration in Alzheimer Disease
6 Principles of Good Experimental Design
7 Attend Research Seminar
8 How do Tangles Develop and Spread with Disease Progression?
9 Can Lifestyles Delay Onset of AD?
10 Discussion
11 What are the GWQS Genetic Risk Factors and What is Their Impact?
12 How does Physical Activity Protect the Aging Brain I
13 How does Physical Activity Protect the Aging Brain II
14 Discussions
15 What Does Physical Activity do for Brain Health?
16 Continued Discussion
17 What is the Microbiome and How is it Related to Brain Aging?
18 Class Discussion on HSV I
19 Class Discussion on HSV II
20 Can Immunization Protect the Brain from Beta-amyloid?
21 Invited Lecturer
22 Discussion of Mini Presentation by Students on Their Selected Topic
23 COntinued Discussion with Students on Their Papers
24 Class Presentation of Paper Topics
25 Class Finals

Download Sample Syllabus