NEURBIO 257: Statistics for Neurobiologists is taught in Winter Quarter by Professor Norbert Fortin.

Dr. Norbert Fortin
Restriction: Graduate students only.
Course Objective:
Introduction to common methods for statistical analysis used in neurobiology. Topics covered include t-tests, ANOVAs, correlations and regressions, general linear model, power analysis, and non-parametric tests.
Sample Syllabus:
# | Topic |
1 | Class Overview |
2 | Descriptive Statistics and Assignment #1 |
3 | Correlation, Regression, and Prediction |
4 | In-Class Assignment #2 |
5 | Probability and Sampling Distributions |
6 | In-Class Assignment #3 |
7 | hypothesis Testing and T-Tests |
8 | In-Class Assignment #4 |
9 | Review Session |
11 | One-Way ANOVAs (Factorial and Repeated Measures) |
12 | In-Class Assignment #5 |
13 | Two-Way ANOVAs (Factorial and Repeated Measures |
14 | In-Class Assignment #6 |
15 | Review of Midterm and ANOVA Assignments (#5 and #6) |
16 | Non-Parametric Tests, Resampling Techniques |
17 | Assignment #7 |
18 | Categorical Data (e.g., Chi-Squares) |
19 | Power Failures (Replicability Issues), Power Analysis |
20 | Power Analyses and Other Aspects of Experimental Design |