Faculty Directory
Mathew Blurton-Jones, PhD
Professor, Neurobiology and Behavior
Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences
Email: mblurton@uci.edu
Phone: 949-824-5243
Jorge A. Busciglio, PhD
Professor, Neurobiology and Behavior
Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences
Email: jbuscigl@uci.edu
Phone: 949-824-9075
Larry Cahill, PhD
Professor, Neurobiology and Behavior
Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences
Email: larrycahill333@gmail.com
Phone: 949-824-1937
Liz Chrastil, PhD
Associate Professor, Neurobiology and Behavior
Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences
Email: chrastil@uci.edu
Phone: 949-824-6267
Susana Cohen-Cory, PhD
Professor, Neurobiology and Behavior
Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences
Email: scohenco@uci.edu
Phone: 949-824-8188
Karina Cramer, PhD
Professor, Neurobiology and Behavior
Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences
Email: cramerk@uci.edu
Phone: 949-824-4211
Norbert J. Fortin, PhD
Professor, Neurobiology and Behavior
Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences
Email: norbert.fortin@uci.edu
Phone: 949-824-9740
Christie D. Fowler, PhD
Chancellor’s Fellow and Professor, Neurobiology and Behavior
Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences
Email: cdfowler@uci.edu
Phone: 949-824-8363
Ron Frostig, PhD
Professor, Neurobiology and Behavior
Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences
Email: rfrostig@uci.edu
Phone: 949-824-2883
Kim Green, PhD
Vice Chair & Professor, Neurobiology and Behavior
Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences
Email: kngreen@uci.edu
Phone: 949-824-3859
Frank LaFerla, PhD
Dr. Lionel and Fay Ng Dean of the Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences and Distinguished Professor
Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences
Email: laferla@uci.edu
Phone: 949-824-5315
Thomas Edward Lane, PhD
Chancellor’s Professor, Neurobiology and Behavior
Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences
Email: tlane@uci.edu
Phone: 949-824-1360
Audrey Chen Lew, PhD
Associate Professor of Teaching, Neurobiology and Behavior
Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences
Email: lewac@uci.edu
Phone: 949-824-5607
Gyorgy Lur, PhD
Associate Professor, Neurobiology and Behavior
Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences
Email: glur@uci.edu
Phone: 949-824-5436
Stephen Mahler, PhD
Professor, Neurobiology and Behavior
Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences
Email: mahlers@uci.edu
Phone: 949-824-6128
Bruce McNaughton, PhD
Distinguished Professor, Neurobiology and Behavior
Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences
Email: brucemcn@uci.edu
Phone: 949-824-9642
Raju Metherate, PhD
Associate Dean of Undergraduate Education and Professor, Neurobiology and Behavior
Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences
Email: rmethera@uci.edu
Phone: 949-824-6141
Andrea Nicholas, PhD
Associate Teaching Professor, Neurobiology and Behavior
Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences
Email: acnichol@uci.ed
Eitan Schechtman-Drayman, PhD
Assistant Professor, Neurobiology and Behavior
Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences
Email: eitans@uci.edu
Phone: 949-824-4830
Craig E. L. Stark, PhD
Professor, Neurobiology and Behavior
Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences
Email: cestark@uci.edu
Phone: 949-824-4201
Georg F. Striedter, PhD
Professor, Neurobiology and Behavior
Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences
Email: gstriedt@uci.edu
Phone: 949-824-5228
Katumi Sumikawa, PhD
Professor, Neurobiology and Behavior
Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences
Email: ksumikaw@uci.edu
Phone: 949-824-5310
Vivek Swarup, PhD
Associate Professor, Neurobiology and Behavior
Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences
Email: vswarup@uci.edu
Phone: 949-824-3182
Marcelo A. Wood, PhD
Chair and Professor, Neurobiology and Behavior
Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences
Email: mwood@uci.edu
Phone: 949-824-2259
Michael Yassa, PhD
James L. McGaugh Endowed Chair and Professor, Neurobiology and Behavior
Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences
Email: myassa@uci.edu
Phone: 949-824-1687
Kevin T. Beier, PhD
Email: kbeier@uci.edu
Phone: 949-824-1083
Laura Ewell, PhD
Email: lewell@uci.edu
Phone: 949-824-3583
Christine M. Gall, PhD
Email: cmgall@uci.edu
Phone: 949-824-8652
Joshua Grill, PhD
Email: jgrill@uci.edu
Phone: 949-824-5905
Albert R. La Spada, PhD
Email: alaspada@uci.edu
Phone: 949-824-7407
John Middlebrooks, PhD
Email: j.middl@uci.edu
Phone: 949-824-0119
Diego A. Pizzagalli, PhD
Email: dpizzaga@uci.edu
Sean Ostlund, PhD
Email: sostlund@uci.edu
Phone: 949-824-1347
Oswald Steward, PhD
Email: osteward@uci.edu
Phone: 949-824-8908
Leslie Thompson, PhD
Email: lmthomps@uci.edu
Phone: 949-824-6756
Thomas J. Carew, PhD
Professor Emeritus, Neurobiology and Behavior
Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences
Email: tcarew@uci.edu
Claudia Kawas, PhD
Professor Emeritus, Neurobiology and Behavior
Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences
Email: ckawas@uci.edu
Herbert Killackey, PhD
Professor Emeritus, Neurobiology and Behavior
Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences
Email: hkillack@uci.edu
Michael Leon, PhD
Professor Emeritus, Neurobiology and Behavior
Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences
Email: mleon@uci.edu
John Marshall, PhD
Professor Emeritus, Neurobiology and Behavior
Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences
Email: jfmarsha@uci.edu
James McGaugh, PhD
Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Neurobiology and Behavior
Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences
Email: james.mcgaugh@uci.edu
Ian Parker, PhD
Professor Emeritus, Neurobiology and Behavior
Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences
Email: iparker@uci.edu
Michael Derek Rugg, PhD
Professor Emeritus, Neurobiology and Behavior
Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences
Email: mrugg@uci.edu
Andrea Tenner, PhD
Professor Emeritus, Neurobiology and Behavior
Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences
Email: atenner@uci.edu
Pauline I. Yahr, PhD
Professor Emerita, Neurobiology and Behavior
Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences
Email: piyahr@uci.edu