Bio 44: Stem Cells and Brain Repair is taught in Winter Quarter by Professors Mathew Blurton-Jones and Sunil Gandhi.

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Dr. Blurton-Jones

Overlaps with BIO SCI N172.

Course Objective:

This course will introduce students to the latest research on neural stem cells. We will examine both basic discoveries about neural stem cells and how these cells might be used to treat brain disorders. We will also discuss how new neurons are naturally generated in the brain. The goal is to clarify the opportunities and pitfalls for the most promising stem cell approaches to brain repair. The course will be relevant to those interested in this exciting new field of medical research as well as those concerned with the distinctive ethical and regulatory implications of regenerative medicine.

Sample Syllabus:

1 Course Overview
2 A Quick Tour of the Brain
3 Critical Periods of Brain Development
4 Rewiring the Adult Brain
5 Neurogenesis in the Adult Brain
6 Stress and Neurogenesis
7 No Class – MLK Jr. Holiday
8 Exercise and Neurogenesis
9 Cell Suicide
10 Autism
11 Retinal Repair
12 Midterm Review
14 TA Guest Lecture
15 Brain Cell Replacement Strategies
16 Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells
17 Alzheimer’s Disease
18 Differentiation of Brain Cells
19 No Class – President’s Day Holiday
20 ALS and SMA
21 Cellular Optical Brain Interfaces
22 Parkinson’s Disease
23 Delivery Technology
24 Rare Pediatric Disorders
25 Immune Rejection
26 Successes/Caveats or Clinical Translation
27 Ethics and Regulation of Stem Cell Research
28 The Stem Cell Research Investment Challenge
29 Lab Tour (Meet at Gross Hall)
30 Review