N131: Human Neurodegenerative Diseases is taught Spring Quarter by Professor Claudia H. Kawas.
Dr. Claudia H. Kawas
Prerequisite: BIO SCI 99
Course Objective:
This undergraduate seminar will introduce students to clinical features, epidemiological aspects, and neurobiological substrates of human neurodegenerative diseases. The focus will be on Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, Huntington’s Disease, Frontotemporal Dementia, and traumatic brain injury. Each week, small groups of 2-3 students will lead discussions that cover clinical (e.g., presentation, course, diagnosis, and treatment), epidemiological (e.g., prevalence, incidence, risk factors, and prevention), and neurobiological (e.g., neuropathology and genetic mutations) aspects of their assigned neurodegenerative disease.
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to identify the clinical presentation and course of major neurodegenerative diseases, discuss factors associated with increased risk of being diagnosed with these neurodegenerative diseases, and describe the genetic mutations corresponding to each neurodegenerative diseases. In addition to gaining content-specific knowledge, this course is designed to improve oral and written communication skills through student-led presentations, group discussions, and a final research paper. Students will also learn to critically evaluate original research papers and design follow-up studies.
Sample Syllabus:
Week # | Topic |
1 |
Course overview and Introduction to Neurodegenerative Diseases
2 | The 90+ Study Lecture |
3 |
Student-Led Discussion
4 |
Student-Led Discussion
5 |
Student-Led Discussion
6 | Using Stem Cells to Model Huntington’s Disease |
7 |
Student-Led Discussion
8 |
Student-Led Discussion
9 |
Student-Led Discussion
10 |
Student-Led Discussion