N147: Hearing and the Brain is taught in Fall Quarter by Professors Karina Cramer, Raju Metherate, and  John Middlebrooks, and other faculty from the Center for Hearing Research.


Dr. Karina Cramer

Dr Raju Metherate

Dr. Raju Metherate

03_John MiddlebrooksLandscape

Dr. John Middlebrooks

Prerequisite: PSYCH 160A or BIO SCI 93

Same as PSYCH 161H.

Restriction: Cognitive Sciences Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Biological Sciences Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Psychology Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

Course Objective:

The Center for Hearing Research faculty team-teach the auditory system from cells to psychophysics, cochlea to the cortex, basic science to clinical. The format is primarily lectures.  We will provide a foundation for students who are advanced in their own discipline (e.g., biology, cognitive science) and wish to learn more about hearing. The course will provide an overview of brain mechanisms of hearing, including simple sounds, speech, and music. We begin with sound itself and look at processing by the ear, central auditory pathways, auditory cortex, and beyond.  Also auditory development, learning, and clinical issues.

Sample Syllabus:

# Topic
1 Introduction/Orientation
2 Sound, Cochlea
3 Sensory Transduction
4 Noice Induced Damage
5 Speech Sounds
6 Auditory Nerve
7 Auditory Brainstem Anatomy and Physiology I
8 Auditory Brainstem Anatomy and Physiology II
10 Spatial Hearing I
11 Spatial Hearing II
12 Auditory Cellular Specializations
13 Development I
14 Development II
15 Development III
17 Auditory Forebrain
18 AI
19 Auditory Cortex Processing and Plasticity I
20 Auditory Cortex Processing and Plasticity II
21 Psychoacoustics I
22 Psychoacoustics II
23 Psychoacoustics III
25 Psychoacoustics IV
26 Found. of Auditory Prosthesis
27 Clinical: Cochlear Implants/Audiology
28 Clinical: Cochlear Implants
29 Clinical: Future Directions