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How can functional ultrasound imaging (fUSI) impact your research, and what’s next?

Dr. Alan Urban
 Department of Neurosciences
KU Leuven

Date: Tuesday, October 4
11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

 ** This is a hybrid event** 

Abstract:Functional ultrasound imaging (fUSI) is based on Doppler ultrasound to track changes in cerebral blood volume as an indirect readout of evoked neuronal activity. It is similar to fMRI but with better spatiotemporal resolution and fewer technical constraints. Indeed, fUSI can be performed in head-fixed or freely behaving rodents and allows volumetric images of the entire mouse brain. Proof of concept studies has been conducted in many species, including primates and humans. fUSI has reached maturity, and open access hardware and software solutions developed at NERF contribute to a faster and broader adoption by the neuroscience community. This seminar aims to introduce the physical basis of fUSI and present state-of-the-art in the field while providing detailed examples of the most impactful fUSI research. I will also discuss the latest capabilities of fUSI and suggest routes for improving the fUSI technology in the next few years.


October 4, 2022
11:00 am - 12:00 pm


Dale Melbourne Herklotz Conference Center Center for Neurobiology of Learning and Memory (Building 506 on the campus map)

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