Professor Kim Green, Neurobiology and Behavior, has discovered a new use for the anti-cancer compound, pexidartinib. Professor Green and his colleagues found that treatment with pexidartinib results in the elimination of the brain’s resident immune…
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the leading cause of age-related dementia and is thought to be driven by the accumulation of a protein called beta-amyloid that aggregates to form amyloid plaques in the brain. Microglia, immune…
On February 10th, PBS aired “Memory Hackers”, a program that explored new ways scientists are learning how to edit, delete, and create memories. The hour long broadcast featured some of the world’s leading experts on…
Irvine, Calif., Feb. 23, 2016 — Immune cells that normally help us fight off bacterial and viral infections may play a far greater role in Alzheimer’s disease than originally thought, according to University of California,…
Dr. Dane Clemenson, a postdoctoral Scholar in Dr. Craig Stark’s lab, has been selected to receive the Dean’s Early Career Research Excellence Award for Fall 2015….
Professor Andrea J. Tenner, Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, was awarded the 2015 Honorary Life Member Award from the Society of Leukocyte Biology. The award is the society’s way of recognizing the contributions of its members…
Professor Craig E.L. Stark has been awarded the James L. McGaugh Chair in the Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory (CNLM). The McGaugh chair was established in 2009 to honor the contributions of…
In a feature published by the New York Times, Dr. Larry Cahill, a professor in the department of Neurobiology and Behavior, gives his expert opinion on a groundbreaking paper recently published in the Proceedings of…
The UC Irvine Center for Addiction Neuroscience (ICAN) was established to bring together addiction research faculty from across UC Irvine for the first time, to identify areas of collaboration to leverage for highly competitive research…
Seven years ago, Dr. Georg Striedter, a professor in the department of Neurobiology and Behavior, began working on a new textbook to help teach the difficult concepts of functional neuroanatomy to his students. What began…